Wednesday, June 16, 2010


chris... you are always confused.... and wierd... and crazy
oh stop, you're making me blush

I love the moments we share. even if they are of me being picked on XD

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Big Day part 4 - Conclusion (?)


Went to Ivy Tech, got signed up for classes. Yay!

Lunch? No Amish food. No, we went to Taco Bell.


But anyway, they can't cater (and we wouldn't want them to). So that was pointless as far as that goes.

And as for job hunting, that's still being worked out.

Other than that, I guess yesterday went okay. We had family over, I learned to crochet (sorta) and got some necessary materials for an arctic Ghillie outfit.

Come this Winter, my brother is gonna have one hell of a shock when I snipe him from the field with a paintball or Airsoft rifle and he can't see me.... XD

So all that aside, today's a pretty uneventful day. I'm bored, lonely, and worrying to death about too much.


Monday, June 14, 2010

Big Day part 3 - Damn Ants..

So aside from waking up before the sun was up due to my brother's phone playing Back In Black as loud as possible, and to people prodding me or paging me from the living room phone... I have a pretty nasty ant problem in my room. I sometimes sit at the foot of my bed when I'm playing games, and I put my drink there because it's the most convenient spot... But I looked over there just a little while ago and saw TONS of them just swarming the damn dresser...


So I got some Raid and sprayed the crap out of them, and the walls for good measure (they like to crawl along my arms and legs while I'm asleep and bite me, the little shits... >___<)

I keep thinking they're spiders (I've been having spider problems too) and a certain friend (you know who you are!!!) keeps picking on me for it *sob*

Anyway. Today is the continuation of what we didn't do Thursday or Friday. We are going to Ivy Tech to see what I can do about classes (damned if I'm gonna remain dormant as a student) and then we're gonna try to find me a better (or a second) job.

And then it's off to lunch (possibly) at another Amish restaurant (maybe) to see what they're like, if they're worth hiring as caterers. Because there a bigger place than Stoll's, they may actually be good for it.

Let's just hope that today doesn't end up like Friday or Saturday.. o__O

Sunday, June 13, 2010


you are your own



I am my own what?


I am my own brand of insanity?

you said that...
not me...

...I guess I deserved that one :">

Friday, June 11, 2010

Big Day part 2 - Downpour!

So. Yesterday we didn't get to go to my school OR job hunting.

We DID go to Stoll's, the "Amish" restaurant.

They had some decent chicken and maybe some alright bread, but aside from that it wasn't very impressive. We were there to find a place to cater for my parents' wedding, but they were far from what she wanted. Not to mention, it wasn't Amish at all...

Then we were supposed to go today, but there was a downpour, and Lucy (our dog) got out, and I ended up getting filthy and soaked trying to put her in (pretty good for someone fresh out of the shower, right? Towel off, throw on some clothes, go out and make yourself need ANOTHER shower)...

So maybe Monday, I dunno.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Big Day part 1 - The Original Plan

Big day it's gonna be. I'm going with my mother to school in the morning so I can sign up for classes! Sorta. I think mostly we're just gonna find out which ones are available to me for the upcoming semester. And after that, it's off to try to get a better job! Again, sorta. I only know of a couple of places that MAY be hiring. And after all THAT, it's off to eat Amish food.

Mmm mmm, them folks can cook.

Monday, June 7, 2010


Me: (pinching mom's arm) Look at that old lady skin!

Mom: *grumble* Quit it.

Me: (to dad) Look at this!

Me: (pinching mom's hand) What are you, like, 60?

Dad: No, she actually does work with her hands. And she's not fat like you.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Malin Neon Sign

I made this video:

for my good friend Malin.

Hope you like it, Malin!

MW2 lawls

Scene I: Highrise
Me: (from the rooftop) Hey Dustin, guess what?
Dustin: (running around on the ground) What?
Me: (pulling out Barrett .50 cal thermal) Smile!


Dustin: (flailing) WTF OMG
Me: Hahahaha!!
Dustin: (setting sights on the rooftop) Where the hell are you?!
Me: (running to the edge) I'm FREEEEEEE!


Dustin: LAWL

Exit stage left.

First post. Not in Sanskrit.

Wonder why I say that? Because when I first started typing, my stupid wrist rubbed the mouse pad and pushed the Sanskrit button. Anyway, welcome and hello. My name is Chris, but online (literally in every way to GET online) I go by Rajazel. Except on YouTube, because some dude already has the name (I wish I could get it, because it's bugging the crap out of me) and has been inactive for like 3 years. Anyway-anyway, I am an animator (not professionally) and I use a program called Blender. Which is awesome. I like music (lots of it, and the strangest combinations). My hero is Voltaire (not the historical figure, but the musician) but I am NOT Goth. I am just happy that he is so in touch with his fans, and that he does more than just sing and play music. He also animates and writes books.

That's his website, where he sells his goodies. And I think there are a few small clips that he's done, for Sci-Fi and Cartoon Network buffers. He's also got songs from Banned from Vulcan on there (the only of his cd's that I don't have >___< ) and things from other albums.

Anyway-anyway-anyway, enough about all that. If I haven't bored you senseless yet, feel free to follow or just check back from time to time. I'd likely not post all the time, but sometimes I just HAVE to get things out in the open.

Thanks for reading!